
I'm  Mark Lowe

Although I became a regular gym go-er in my 40s and getting reasonably fit, I found I plateaued as I hit 50. I wasn't getting the results I was looking for and I was gaining the 'wrong' weight. At 51 I was introduced to barbell training and that transformed everything for me.

I'm curating tips, tricks, general information, and learnings from my own experience for anyone looking to be fit at 50 plus.

Learning to Squat over 50

What does it mean to learn to barbell squat when you are over 50?

I share my experience going from absolute beginner to becoming an enthusiast.

Latest Article

I am asked often whether an over fifties person should prioritize volume or intensity in their strength training. In answering this question it's crucial to address a common issue with high-volume workouts for the older population: the significant, and sudden drop-off in force production as a set progresses leading to form breakdown and potential injury. This concern reinforces my stance as a strength coach that older adults should prioritize intensity

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